Soccer! Lasers! Stormtroopers! The Best Goal Celebrations Ever [VIDEO]

Soccer! Lasers! Stormtroopers! The Best Goal Celebrations Ever [VIDEO]:

What happens when you take the best goal celebrations from soccer stars, then add Stormtroopers, laser beams and other effects along with a rocking Led Zeppelin soundtrack? Pretty much the best YouTube sports video of all time, that’s what.
In the video above, CGI has added all kinds of surprises to the standard post-goal revelry. The editing is so slick, it almost looks real. Except that we all know Stormtroopers have no place on the soccer pitch and players don’t usually light joints immediately after scoring. But still.
The mashup has gone mega-viral on YouTube, racking up more than 1.2 million views since being posted Sunday. It appears to have been created by a French ad agency called Buzzman.
Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think in the comments.
More About: sports, viral videos, YouTube


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