Korean government raids Blizzard over Diablo 3 complaints

Koreans take their video games very seriously.


Korean government raids Blizzard over Diablo 3 complaints:
The Korean Federal Trade Commission raided Blizzard's Seoul office on Monday as part of an investigation into consumer claims that Blizzard has refused to refund Diablo 3 to eligible Korean players.

The FTC says it suspects Blizzard of violating Korean law on electronic commerce and commercial contracts, and it gathered documents and other evidence relevant to its investigation in the raid. Some Korean players were frustrated with Diablo 3's server issues at launch and asked for refunds, which Blizzard denied, citing its sales contract terms, The Korea Times reports. The FTC considers these terms to be disadvantageous to players.

"We have received many complaints from Diablo 3 users," FTC spokesman Kim Hyung-bae says.

Another angle the FTC is investigating is whether Blizzard should be held liable for its "ill-preparation" in regards to player traffic, The Korea Times says.

On that note, who has a raid tonight? Oh, the Korean government. Right.


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