California neglects education of English learners, lawsuit claims

Here's the problem with this, or more like the law of unintended consequences.  Put aside the facts that ESL programs are already well funded and the entire process is flawed.  Let's suppose the courts agree with the ACLU and the financially strapped state has to throw more money it doesn't have into more ESL programs.  Small districts lose out on funding to the larger districts.  The larger districts snatch up the funds leaving these smaller ones in the dust.  The ACLU may be fighting for this small Fresno district kids, but they won't benefit from it.


California neglects education of English learners, lawsuit claims: The suit accuses California of poor oversight and says the state must, by law, act to make sure students who are learning English are keeping pace academically with their peers.

State officials are neglecting their legal obligation to ensure that students who are learning English are receiving an adequate and equal education, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday by the ACLU of Southern California and other advocates.


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