FCC Tells Verizon It Can't Force You To Pay $20 For Tethering Anymore [Verizon]

FCC Tells Verizon It Can't Force You To Pay $20 For Tethering Anymore [Verizon]:
The FCC and Verizon put an ongoing dispute to rest today when the carrier agreed to allow is customers to use tethering apps with its data plans. You're damn right! Until now, Verizon worked with Google to block tethering apps from being downloaded to Android devices from Google Play. The company instead demanded that customers who wanted to tether pay a $20 per month fee—including users who had a capped data plans. Turns out this isn't just asinine, it violates an FCC regulation, which requires Verizon "to allow customers to freely use the devices and applications of their choosing." Verizon also accepted a $1.25 million fine. Booya Verizon. Booya. [FCC via GIgaOm via Ars Technica] More »


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