YouTube’s 18 Most Epic Sports Meltdowns

YouTube’s 18 Most Epic Sports Meltdowns:

1. Handball Player Drops His Shorts and, Uh, Does Other Things Too

This Italian handball player instantly entered the pantheon of all-time sports meltdowns recently when he, shall we say, overreacted to a sarcastic peck from an antagonistic opponent.
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Freak-outs, meltdowns, tantrums, hissy fits -- call 'em what you want, but sports figures losing their cool in public is highly entertaining. From thrown chairs to ejected players, head-butts to grabbed nuts, other people's indignation never fails to draw a laugh.
SEE ALSO: 25 of YouTube’s Funniest Sports Fails
Thanks to YouTube, we get to relive classic moments over and over again. That means we'll never be without John McEnroe calling a line judge a jerk, or Mike Gundy being a man who is 40, or Brian Wilson taking a bat to a Gatorade cooler in the San Francisco Giants' dugout. It's the small mercies that make being a sports fan in the digital age so worthwhile.
So, without fur…
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