Bill Clinton Compares Israeli-Palestinian Conflict To “Abscessed Tooth”

Bill Clinton Compares Israeli-Palestinian Conflict To “Abscessed Tooth”:
Bill gets all metaphorical on us:

“Ouch, my tooth hurts!”
Former US president Bill Clinton compared the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to “an abscessed tooth” Monday, and said America cannot just leave the intractable situation alone.
“You’ve got to decide whether a foreign policy problem is a scab on your knee after you fall down or an abscessed tooth,” Clinton said in an interview with CNN. “With the scab, you want to let it alone. It will cure itself if you will just let it alone. Time passing is good. With an abscessed tooth, all you’re going to do is become sick and more infected if you don’t deal with it.”
I don’t have a huge problem with the analogy, but rather the fact the US and other countries are increasingly relying on dentists who look like this:


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