Stone Temple Pilots Fire Scott Weiland
Stone Temple Pilots Fire Scott Weiland:

I wasn’t aware that the reunion of the ’90s alt-rock radio fixtures Stone Temple Pilots hadn’t already exploded into flaming wreckage, but today we learn that it absolutely, definitively has. The band has always had an uneasy relationship with its walking disaster of a frontman Scott Weiland; they’ve already parted ways with him twice, in 1997 and 2002. And this morning, Spin reports that the band issued a simple one-sentence statement: “Stone Temple Pilots have announced they have officially terminated Scott Weiland.” This comes a day after the singer told Rolling Stone, “No one has ever fired anybody in STP. We’re like a family.” I guess the DeLeo brothers weren’t too into that Christmas album, either.
I wasn’t aware that the reunion of the ’90s alt-rock radio fixtures Stone Temple Pilots hadn’t already exploded into flaming wreckage, but today we learn that it absolutely, definitively has. The band has always had an uneasy relationship with its walking disaster of a frontman Scott Weiland; they’ve already parted ways with him twice, in 1997 and 2002. And this morning, Spin reports that the band issued a simple one-sentence statement: “Stone Temple Pilots have announced they have officially terminated Scott Weiland.” This comes a day after the singer told Rolling Stone, “No one has ever fired anybody in STP. We’re like a family.” I guess the DeLeo brothers weren’t too into that Christmas album, either.
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