Qwikster Is a Terrible Name So Netflix Bought DVD.com [NetFlix]
Qwikster Is a Terrible Name So Netflix Bought DVD.com [NetFlix]:
When Netflix announced last year that it was splitting its DVD rental service from its streaming service, consumer anger mostly centered around how subscribers would be getting fewer services for the same price. But part of the PR disaster was about how terrible the name Qwikster is, because, let's face it, it's pretty much the worst name you can choose for a DVD business. What could be a better name? Netflix bought the domain name "DVD.com" today. More »
When Netflix announced last year that it was splitting its DVD rental service from its streaming service, consumer anger mostly centered around how subscribers would be getting fewer services for the same price. But part of the PR disaster was about how terrible the name Qwikster is, because, let's face it, it's pretty much the worst name you can choose for a DVD business. What could be a better name? Netflix bought the domain name "DVD.com" today. More »
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