
Showing posts from June, 2012

Edgar Wright Directing 'Ant-Man' Test Reel (Exclusive)

Edgar Wright Directing 'Ant-Man' Test Reel (Exclusive) : Wright and Joe Cornish co-wrote the script for the project based on Marvel hero Hank Pym. read more

Movie Theaters Should Be Like This [Humor]

Movie Theaters Should Be Like This [Humor] : I love this movie theater layout. It would be my favorite theater ever. Wait, no. My favorite movie theater would have seats that would open into a pit full of hungry Great White sharks in the case people talked out loud, texted or ate making annoying noises. More »

Big Ideas...

Big Ideas... : Surprised to know... Ok, many of you wanted to know this and now you shall... I promised my Bothans that I wouldn't reveal much about the Marvel project that Walt Disney Animation Studios was working on, that I would only allude to it until something else broke about it. Well, now a website has let the cat out of the bag . Remember that I mentioned that the property would be unlike anything the Mouse had done before? I also mentioned to some that inquired about it, that Marvel owns 4000+ characters and everyone was thinking it was an animated " Iron Man " or " X-Men " or even " Power Pack ." Well, it's not. It's not one of the top 100 or 200 characters even. The actual title is much more obscure than most people know. In fact, most comic book fans will not even know the title, or most of the characters. So, what is the title/characters that Disney is adapting into an animated film? Big Hero 6 . What??? Y

House Votes to Hold Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt

House Votes to Hold Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt : The House has approved a precedent-setting resolution to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress. It was the first time a sitting Cabinet member has been held in contempt.

Homes destroyed in Colorado fire

Homes destroyed in Colorado fire : Hundreds of homes are destroyed by wildfire in Colorado's second biggest city, after 32,000 people flee the flames.

Pyura Chilensis, the living rock

Pyura Chilensis, the living rock : This is not a geode. It's an animal. An apparently delicious animals with clear blood, whose body is accumulates surprisingly large amounts of a rare metal used to strengthen steel. This is Pyura chilensis—an immobile ocean creature. Besides the other traits I mentioned, P. chilensis is also capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. At the Running Ponies blog, Becky Crew explains the results of a 2005 study that detailed the creature's breeding habits for the first time. The results showed that P. chilensis is born male, before becoming cosexual – having both male and female gonads – in its adolescence as it increased in size. The researchers also found that given the choice – that is, if situated around other individuals – these organisms prefer to breed via cross-fertilisation, writing, “Given that more events of natural egg spawning followed by successful settlement and metamorphosis were recorded in our paired specimens and

The Supreme Court surprise: Medicaid ruling could reduce coverage

The Supreme Court surprise: Medicaid ruling could reduce coverage : Buried in the Supreme Court’s 193-page decision on the health reform law was one big surprise: States can opt out of the law’s sweeping expansion of Medicaid, significantly reducing the number of Americans who gain insurance. Read full article >>

Amazon Reportedly Readying Launch of 10-Inch, Quad-Core Kindle Fire

Amazon Reportedly Readying Launch of 10-Inch, Quad-Core Kindle Fire : Amazon isn't just working on a new Kindle Fire 2, the retail giant is also readying the launch of a 10-inch, quad-core slate.

The Supreme Court put limits on Commerce Clause. But does it matter?

The Supreme Court put limits on Commerce Clause. But does it matter? : So the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act . But Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion also appears to have placed new limits on Congress’s ability to regulate interstate commerce. Will this make future federal legislation harder to enact? That’s one question legal scholars are now mulling. Read full article >>

Supreme Court decision moves health-care debate squarely into political sphere

Supreme Court decision moves health-care debate squarely into political sphere : The Supreme Court’s momentous decision Thursday to uphold the Affordable Care Act prompted swift responses from the two presidential candidates, moving the debate squarely into the political sphere and setting it up to figure prominently for the remainder of the campaign. Read full article >>

How Aspirin and Ibuprofen Actually Work Inside Your Body [Video]

How Aspirin and Ibuprofen Actually Work Inside Your Body [Video] : Poppin' pills is a sorta magical, sorta scientific method in feeling better. When you get hurt? Pop pills. When you can't sleep? Pop pills. When you want to get high? Pop pills. But how do those tiny little capsules actually work? This video explains how aspirin and ibuprofen makes your body feel less pain. More »

Comic-Con: The Full Schedule for Thursday, July 12

Comic-Con: The Full Schedule for Thursday, July 12 : The San Diego Comic-Con has posted the schedule for Thursday, July 12 (and Wednesday night). You can view the full schedule below and stay tuned to's Comic-Con section for all the latest updates!

Comic-Con: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Marvel Studios Panels Announced

Comic-Con: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Marvel Studios Panels Announced : Walt Disney Pictures has announced two major Comic-Con panels focusing on Walt Disney Studios motion pictures and Marvel Studios films. Full details are as follows:

Disneyland increases Halloween prices

Disneyland increases Halloween prices : ANAHEIM – Disneyland visitors will pay $2 to $5 more to go to the park's popular after-hours Halloween parties this year. Disney is already getting ready for its big fall promotion, Halloween Time. The company this week announced the dates and...

Video of New Yorkers tripping on subway step

Video of New Yorkers tripping on subway step : At Brooklyn's 36th Street subway stop, one of the steps is slightly higher than the others. This causes many many people to trip on their way up the stairs. Filmmaker Dean Peterson set up his camera to capture the stumbles. Concern trolls, get to your logins… ( Paper )

If Frazetta was a bronie

If Frazetta was a bronie : In 2010, DeviantArt's Zedew produced "My Little Death Dealer," which posits Frank Frazetta as a secret bronie. My Little Death Dealer ( Thanks, Fipi Lele! )

In divided Egypt, U.S. plays all sides

In divided Egypt, U.S. plays all sides : WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The ambiguous outcome of Egypt's revolution leaves Washington no choice but to deal with both the country's major players, the military and the Muslim Brotherhood, despite its disagreements with each.

Brave Is Bad Storytelling for Boys and Girls! (Spoiler Free)

<cite>Brave</cite> Is Bad Storytelling for Boys and Girls! (Spoiler Free) : Brave is lazy gender making of the worst sort.

Exclusive: Saudi readies oil line to counter Iran Hormuz threat

Exclusive: Saudi readies oil line to counter Iran Hormuz threat : DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has reopened an old oil pipeline built by Iraq to bypass Gulf shipping lanes, giving Riyadh scope to export more of its crude from Red Sea terminals should Iran try to block the Strait of Hormuz, industry sources say.

Analysis: Basque economy has lessons for Spain

Analysis: Basque economy has lessons for Spain : MONDRAGON, Spain (Reuters) - Spain's dash into tourism in the 1970s and its property boom last decade largely passed by the Basque region, a cool, damp corner of the north with a reputation for separatist violence. Instead the Basques stuck with industry, by force of circumstance.

Army Creates a Directed Lightning Bolt Weapon

Army Creates a Directed Lightning Bolt Weapon : Sparticus789 writes "Army researchers at Picatinny Labs in New Jersey have developed a prototype weapon which uses a directed lightning bolt to destroy vehicles and unexploded ordinance. The weapon works on the premise that 'A target, an enemy vehicle or even some types of unexploded ordnance, would be a better conductor than the ground it sits on.' Are we one step closer to C&C:Red Alert Tesla coils?" Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Supreme Court, 5-4, upholds most of health care overhaul

Supreme Court, 5-4, upholds most of health care overhaul : WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the vast majority of President Barack Obama's historic health care overhaul, including the hotly debated core requirement that virtually all Americans have health insurance. The 5-4 decision means...

Southland cities struggle to avoid joining Stockton in bankruptcy

Southland cities struggle to avoid joining Stockton in bankruptcy : Officials say cuts in services and employee benefits, along with higher taxes, are options to avoid Stockton's fate. "Bankruptcy is what you do when you run out of options," one says. STOCKTON — City managers in Southern California on Wednesday were casting a wary eye on Stockton, the latest city to head to bankruptcy court, but said they were working hard to avoid what one public policy analyst predicted would be a string of municipal failures.

Jerry Brown signs budget that relies on voter-backed tax hikes

Jerry Brown signs budget that relies on voter-backed tax hikes : The governor signs a budget that makes deep cuts to social services and assumes that voters will pass $8 billion in tax hikes in November. SACRAMENTO — State lawmakers finished their work on the budget, and Gov. Jerry Brown signed it late Wednesday, ending the haggling over final details of California's spending plan.

Drexler denies HIV quotes about Magic in book

Drexler denies HIV quotes about Magic in book : Clyde Drexler denied Wednesday making negative statements attributed to him about Magic Johnson in an upcoming book about the Dream Team.

Portugal's penalty plan backfires

Portugal's penalty plan backfires : Portugal coach Paulo Bento says his side planned their penalty shoot-out against Spain, despite Cristiano Ronaldo not featuring.

Nexus 7 tablet guidebook now available

Nexus 7 tablet guidebook now available : Google's guidebook reveals all the details behind the new Nexus 7 tablet and spills the beans on the new Jelly Bean OS.

Apple overhaul of iTunes to focus on iCloud, music sharing?

Apple overhaul of iTunes to focus on iCloud, music sharing? : Major retune of Apple's music store expected to be unveiled by the end of the year, sources tell Bloomberg.

Megaupload raid warrant 'invalid'

Megaupload raid warrant 'invalid' : Warrants used to carry out a search and seize data from online storage site Megaupload were invalid, a New Zealand judge rules.

Hamas man 'assassinated' in Syria

Hamas man 'assassinated' in Syria : Palestinian Islamist militant group Hamas says one of its members has been assassinated in the Syrian capital Damascus.

No 'bath salts' on Miami cannibal

No 'bath salts' on Miami cannibal : The Miami man who chewed the face off a homeless person had marijuana in his system, but not so-called bath salts, as previously speculated.

'Stand your ground' man sentenced

'Stand your ground' man sentenced : A Texas man is sentenced to 40 years in prison after being found guilty of murder, failing to convince a jury that his life was under threat.

US approves new weight-loss pill

US approves new weight-loss pill : For the first time in 13 years, US health regulators approve a weight-loss pill, although the drug acheived only modest results in clinical trials.

Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing [Science]

Scientists Invent Particles That Will Let You Live Without Breathing [Science] : This may seem like something out of a science fiction movie: researchers have designed microparticles that can be injected directly into the bloodstream to quickly oxygenate your body, even if you can't breathe anymore. It's one of the best medical breakthroughs in recent years, and one that could save millions of lives every year. More »

Causes of death: 1900 and 2010

Causes of death: 1900 and 2010 : An editorial in the 200th anniversary issue of the New England Journal of Medicine looks at mortality and health through the centuries, and includes this chart of causes of death from the turn of the last century, which makes for quite a comparison. We're doing great on kidneys, but hearts not so much. During the 20th century, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions assumed more dominant roles (see bar graphTop 10 Causes of Death: 1900 vs. 2010.), although outbreaks of infectious disease — from eastern equine encephalitis (1938) and kuru (1957) to legionnaires' disease (1977), AIDS (1981), and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (1993) — necessitated ongoing vigilance against microbes. New concerns also came to medical attention, from the terrifying consequences of thermonuclear war (1962) to the indolent but devastating effects of environmental pollution (1966) and climate change (1989). Optimism about prospects for the health

Fix a Shrunk Shirt with Warm Water and Hair Conditioner [Macgyver Tips]

Fix a Shrunk Shirt with Warm Water and Hair Conditioner [Macgyver Tips] : If you accidentally shrunk a shirt (or other article of clothing) in the wash, there's a quick fix: soak it in warm water and hair conditioner, then stretch it back out to its proper size. More »

Patriotic Cases Will Have Your iPhone Ready for London 2012 [Daily Desired]

Patriotic Cases Will Have Your iPhone Ready for London 2012 [Daily Desired] : The London Olympics are about three weeks away, and are a great excuse to be obnoxiously patriotic. Just in time for the summer games, Speck has released a line of CandyShell flag cases so you can represent your most favored nation where it matters most: your iPhone, of course. More »

Android Jelly Bean vs. iOS 6 vs. Windows Phone 8: The Ultimate Mobile Comparison [Google]

Android Jelly Bean vs. iOS 6 vs. Windows Phone 8: The Ultimate Mobile Comparison [Google] : A few weeks ago, we compared the feature sets of iOS 6 and Android Ice Cream Sandwich to see how they stacked up. But then Google and Microsoft went and dropped all sorts of new features in their new Android Jelly Bean and Windows Phone 8 operating systems. That means it's time to reexamine the relative merits of each once again. Let the battle begin! More »

News Corp board expected to approve split

News Corp board expected to approve split : (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch will oversee one of the most important board meetings of his more than 40-year career on Wednesday afternoon as News Corp directors vote on whether to divide the $60 billion media conglomerate into two separate publicly traded companies.

The 33,000-Pound Pizzeria on a Truck [Where The Magic Happens]

The 33,000-Pound Pizzeria on a Truck [Where The Magic Happens] : The humble food truck has evolved from a greasy spoon on wheels into a purveyor of sushi, dumplings and over-the-top desserts. The truck's limits were pushed a step further by Jon Darsky—pro baseball scout turned pizza chef—with Del Popolo , a mobile, wood-burning brick pizza oven serving pies on the streets of San Francisco. More »

Google I/O Day One: Hardware Galore [Google IO]

Google I/O Day One: Hardware Galore [Google IO] : Day one of Google's developer extravaganza brought us a few things we were expecting like the Nexus 7 and the latest iteration of Android. But it also brought us an orb-shaped media streamer specially made for Google Play, and a high-flying demo of Google Glasses. Here's a rundown of the day's big stories. More »

The Emerald Ace—Japan's Prius of the Sea [Video]

The Emerald Ace—Japan's Prius of the Sea [Video] : Japan, China, and South Korea together dominate 90 percent of the global shipbuilding industry. But compared to the neighbors, Japan is getting killed on production costs. So how do the Japanese respond? By inventing an entirely new kind of ship. More »

The Slow Demise of the Almighty U.S. Dollar

The Slow Demise of the Almighty U.S. Dollar : How relative currency measures skew perception in the midst of a fiat crisis.

How vital is Syria's Tartus port to Russia?

How vital is Syria's Tartus port to Russia? : Just how important is Syria's port of Tartus to Russia?

What's New in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean [Screenshot Tour]

What's New in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean [Screenshot Tour] : Google announced the next version of Android, named Jelly Bean, today. It has a ton of improvements in notifications, speed and smoothness, and a new feature called Google Now that gives you useful real-time information based on where you are and what's coming up in your calendar. More »

FAIL Nation: Sk8r Gurl FAIL

FAIL Nation: Sk8r Gurl FAIL :

Comic-Con: Prometheus Offers a New Video and Teases SDCC Recruitment

Comic-Con: Prometheus Offers a New Video and Teases SDCC Recruitment : Even after Ridley Scott's latest hit theaters, there came signs that the viral campaign for Prometheus was far from over. Today, the Project Prometheus website has been updated with a new "Careers" section, offering the below video with the promise of more to come.

Comic-Con: Check Out the Exhibitor Map for This Year's Convention

Comic-Con: Check Out the Exhibitor Map for This Year's Convention : The official floor map for the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con has been revealed at the official site along with a full listing of what exhibitors will be in attendance.

State: 9.3% of O.C. high school students drop out

State: 9.3% of O.C. high school students drop out : Some 9.3 percent of Orange County students dropped out of public high schools last year, down from 13.1 percent the year prior.The latest figures from the state's student tracking system also indicate the number of O.C. high school students who...

Atari at 40: Catching Up With Its Founder

Atari at 40: Catching Up With Its Founder : Atari at 40: Catching Up With Its Founder

Brave Answers...

Brave Answers... : What's up, Red... The Lamp 's first princess film is out tomorrow and the reviews are starting to pour in... What say our favorite film critics about Pixar 's latest effort, and will its thirteenth film be a lucky or unlucky number? If you have kids, you’ll want to take them to Brave , and they’ll almost certainly have a good time. If you’re an animation buff, you may have quibbles with the film, which looks great but isn’t up to Pixar’s high standards in terms of story. That’s the problem with creating so many innovative and memorable movies: when you do something that’s “merely” pretty good, it feels like a letdown. - Leonard Maltin If the Walt Disney Studios logo were the only one on "Brave," this film's impeccable visuals and valiant heroine would be enough to call it a success. But "Brave" is also a Pixar Animation Studios film, and that means it has to answer to a higher standard. - Los Angeles Tim

The Google Nexus Tablet Is Here, and It's Out to Kill the Kindle Fire [Nexus Tablet]

The Google Nexus Tablet Is Here, and It's Out to Kill the Kindle Fire [Nexus Tablet] : Google just conjured up its platonic ideal of an Android tablet: killer specs, the most pristine possible software, and a low price. Wil this be the Android tablet that finally makes Android tablets exciting? More »

Map of world weed use

Map of world weed use : Where in the world do people smoke the most dope? According to the United Nations' World Drug Report 2012 released today, it's the Pacific island of Palau. As reported in The Economist , "Nearly a quarter of people aged 15 to 64 (in Palau) smoked pot in the past year. Italians and Americans also like to get high, with rates of 14.6% and 14.1% respectively."

Poll: Obama, Romney lack clear plans for nation

Poll: Obama, Romney lack clear plans for nation : Majorities of Americans say neither President Obama nor Mitt Romney has a clear plan to fix the nation’s problems, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday , a signal that neither candidate has made a successful case to be president in 2013. Read full article >>

Outside View: 'Reset' with Russia

Outside View: 'Reset' with Russia : Herndon, Va. (UPI) Jun 26, 2012 Perhaps the biggest waste of U.S. funds in the conduct of U.S. President Barack Obama's foreign policy to date has been its smallest expenditure. Whatever the U.S. government paid for the "reset" button, delivered to the Russians early in Obama's tenure as a symbolic gesture of improving a relationship, which had soured under President George W. Bush, it has proven a waste of money.

Analysis: Britain outside the EU - Switzerland with nukes?

Analysis: Britain outside the EU - Switzerland with nukes? : LONDON (Reuters) - Without a coherent plan for going it alone, Britain may be drifting towards its biggest strategic move in a generation: a disorderly exit from the European Union.

Exclusive: Venezuela wants OPEC price band restored

Exclusive: Venezuela wants OPEC price band restored : CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela on Wednesday proposed that OPEC set an oil price band of $80 to $120 a barrel, Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez told Reuters, bidding to restore a policy the cartel tried 12 years ago in a failed attempt to control prices in a tight range by adjusting supply.

Silicon Valley Values Shift To Customersploitation

Silicon Valley Values Shift To Customersploitation : theodp writes "Bill Davidow is the real Silicon Valley deal. Commenting on how Silicon Valley has changed over the decades, Davidow is not impressed, dishing out harsh words for Facebook, Apple, Google, and others. 'When corporate leaders pursue wealth in the winner-take-all Internet environment,' concludes Davidow, 'companies dance on the edge of acceptable behavior. If they don't take it to the limit, a competitor will. That competitor will become the dominant supplier — one monopoly will replace another. And when you engage in these activities you get a different set of Valley values: the values of customer exploitation.'" Read more of this story at Slashdot.

New Mineral Found In Meteorite

New Mineral Found In Meteorite : Virtucon writes "The new mineral was found embedded in the Allende meteorite, which fell to Earth in 1969. Since 2007, geologist Chi Ma of Caltech has been probing the meteorite with a scanning electron microscope, discovering nine new materials including panguite. 'Panguite’s primordial nature means that it was actually around before the Earth and other planets formed, meaning it can help scientists learn more about the conditions in the cloud of gas and dust that gave rise to our solar system.'" Read more of this story at Slashdot.

High-Frequency Traders Are the Ultimate Hackers, Says Mark Cuban

High-Frequency Traders Are the Ultimate Hackers, Says Mark Cuban : An anonymous reader writes "Billionaire Mark Cuban talks in an interview with the Wall Street Journal about how he thinks high-frequency trading can be quite damaging to stock markets. He goes so far as to call high-frequency traders the 'ultimate hackers.' He says, 'They're running software programs that have one goal, and that's to exploit the trading systems as early and often as possible. As someone who wrote software for eight years and who keeps up very closely with the technology world, that scared the hell out of me. The only certainty in the software world is that there is no such thing as bug-free software. When software programs are trying to outsmart other software programs and hack the world's trading platforms, that is a recipe for disaster. ... How many times an hour are there failures across individual equities around the world because of software running algorithms battling

Sources: Clippers engage Mavs in Odom talks

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~ Sources: Clippers engage Mavs in Odom talks : The Los Angeles Clippers have engaged in trade discussions to bring Lamar Odom back to the L.A. team that drafted him, according to sources close to the situation.

Merkel rejects sharing euro debt

Merkel rejects sharing euro debt : German Chancellor Angela Merkel again rejects the idea of pooling eurozone debt through bonds and urges greater competitiveness in the EU.

Microsoft loses antitrust appeal

Microsoft loses antitrust appeal : Europe's second highest court upholds a competition ruling against Microsoft, but slightly reduces the fine it has to pay.

US bans Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

US bans Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 : A court bans sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the US while it decides on the firm's patent dispute with Apple.

Californian city faces bankruptcy

Californian city faces bankruptcy : The Californian city of Stockton is set to become the largest US city to declare bankruptcy, after failing to make a deal with its creditors.

Inside the Project to Immortalize John Peel’s Record Collection [Music]

Inside the Project to Immortalize John Peel’s Record Collection [Music] : Before even cassettes became kitsch , we had the vinyl record. One legendary Englishman, John Peel, had more vinyl than just about anyone else. And, as one of the most influential disc jockeys ever to grace the airwaves, he often had them before everyone else. More »

What The New York Times Doesn't Get About Apple

What The New York Times Doesn't Get About Apple : The Paper of Record seems to misunderstand the tech giant's signs of success.

Astronomers Discover Galaxy They Thought Couldn't Exist

Astronomers Discover Galaxy They Thought Couldn't Exist : Astronomers have spotted one of the rarest and most extreme galaxy clusters in the universe and, behind it, an object that shouldn?t exist.

President Obama booed over Red Sox joke

President Obama booed over Red Sox joke : President Obama (re)learned a political lesson as old as time on Monday night: Don’t mess with the Boston Red Sox in Massachusetts. Like, ever. The president was reportedly booed at a fundraiser in Boston after making reference to a trade this week between his hometown Chicago White Sox and the BoSox. Read full article >>

Fed's "Operation Twist" has only minor effects: Fisher

Fed's "Operation Twist" has only minor effects: Fisher : CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's recent move to push down borrowing costs by replacing its short-term securities holdings with longer-term ones is doing more harm than good, a top Fed official who opposed the action said on Tuesday.

This Is the New Android Jelly Bean Mascot—Just Installed at Google's Headquarters [Android]

This Is the New Android Jelly Bean Mascot—Just Installed at Google's Headquarters [Android] : Check this out, it's Android Jelly Bean mascot! Google just installed it in their Mountain View campus, right next to Ice Cream Sandwich. Clearly, the new version of the world's most popular cellphone operating system will be announced tomorrow at Google I/O. And, since it's getting its own mascot, it's not going to be just any upgrade. More »

Report: Bellwether California market sees share growth for Detroit automakers

Report: Bellwether California market sees share growth for Detroit automakers : Filed under: Car Buying , Chevrolet , Chrysler , Ford , GM , Honda , Toyota Ask any sales and marketing executive from Chrysler , Ford or General Motors what their company's greatest challenge is and they will unequivocally reply, "California." The Golden State accounts for 12.5 percent of all new car sales in the United States, but even more importantly, it is seen as a bellwether for the nation. As the home of the entertainment and consumer electronics industries, California has an outsized reach into our nation's popular culture - but Californians have historically been among the least receptive to domestic products. There's some evidence that trend may be changing, as domestic market share has been improving in the recent years, according to Forbes . Ford has seen its Blue Oval brand improve from seven percent in 2008 to over nine percent last year. Chevrolet topped si

Ex-cruise worker files lawsuit against Travolta

Ex-cruise worker files lawsuit against Travolta : LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A former cruise line worker has filed a federal lawsuit in Los Angeles against John Travolta, accusing the "Pulp Fiction" star of embracing him naked after complaining about neck pain....

(title unknown)

(title unknown) : Juniper Books puts together private libraries thet, depending on the client, may be as much about the look of the books on the shelf as what's on the pages. One of their services are custom covers like the one above for a Jack London fan. I think it's an elegant presentation, but I think I prefer the feel of

How a Nexus Tablet From Google Could Dampen Amazon's Fire

How a Nexus Tablet From Google Could Dampen Amazon's Fire : Google's rumored Nexus tablet is expected to debut this week at the Google I/O developers conference. If it does, it'll face stiff competition from Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. But there is a way it can compete: killer specs at a rock-bottom price.

Bon Voyage? -

Bon Voyage? - :

St. Joseph Health hospital group in O.C. to cut 76 jobs

St. Joseph Health hospital group in O.C. to cut 76 jobs : St. Joseph Health and its hospitals in Orange County are consolidating their registration, billing, collections and medical records functions and will be eliminating 76 jobs over the next few months, a hospital executive said Monday. Darrin Montalvo,...

US Army's Pixellated Camo Uniform Is a $5 Billion Failure [Army]

US Army's Pixellated Camo Uniform Is a $5 Billion Failure [Army] : Whereas pixillation is usually very successful at obscuring images otherwise unfit to be seen, the US Army is $5billion in the hole, with its pixellated camo uniform (introduced in 2004) being dubbed a colossal mistake. More »

Sorry, T-Mobile Customers: No iPhone 5 For You. Yet [Iphone 5]

Sorry, T-Mobile Customers: No iPhone 5 For You. Yet [Iphone 5] : T-mobile customers may have the displeasing distinction of being the only mobile subscribers not to get their paws on the much-hyped and forthcoming iPhone 5. Bumm er . More »

Budget deal seeks to freeze UC, CSU tuition

Budget deal seeks to freeze UC, CSU tuition : Governor and legislators see budget as a way to block higher fees at UC and Cal State systems, which could get an extra $125 million if voters OK tax increases. SACRAMENTO — California's public universities could lose out on an extra $125 million in state funds if they hike tuition in the fall under a budget agreement that legislative leaders have reached with Gov. Jerry Brown.

Egypt's neighbours watch Mursi's rise

Egypt's neighbours watch Mursi's rise : What an Egyptian Islamist president means for the region

S Korea to halt Iran oil imports

S Korea to halt Iran oil imports : South Korea says it will suspend all imports of Iranian oil from amid a European Union insurance ban on vessels carrying the product.

Mac users targeted by travel site

Mac users targeted by travel site : Apple Mac users booking a break via the Orbitz travel site might end up paying more for their holidays.

L.A. Times Stanton story snubs top O.C. food venue

L.A. Times Stanton story snubs top O.C. food venue : In a Los Angeles Times report chronicling the financial woes of Stanton, the June 25 story describes the near bankrupt north Orange County city as lacking fancy restaurants. At first glance, Stanton does not fit the Orange County cliche. There...

Hit Film 'Brave' is a Disappointment to Some on Wall Street

Hit Film 'Brave' is a Disappointment to Some on Wall Street : "We take the risk of erosion of Pixar's creative greatness very seriously," a financial analyst wrote Monday. read more

Great moments in pedantry: Scientists point out flaws in the science of Prometheus

Great moments in pedantry: Scientists point out flaws in the science of Prometheus : I've not yet seen Prometheus , but as a genre, I honestly enjoy articles that are all about applying a (perhaps overly) critical lens to the way science is portrayed in science fiction. I think there's a lot to learn from this sort of story—both about how science really works, and how to write more believable stories. In this piece on Forbes, an archaeologist, a geologist, an animal biologist, and two physicists critique the methodology and professional practice of the fiction scientists aboard the Prometheus . (Via Miriam Goldstein )

FAIL Nation: Reaction FAIL

FAIL Nation: Reaction FAIL :

Moody's cuts Spanish banks on sovereign downgrade

Moody's cuts Spanish banks on sovereign downgrade : NEW YORK (Reuters) - Moody's Investors Service on Monday downgraded the long-term debt and deposit ratings for 28 Spanish banks and two issuer ratings, following on the heels of a cut to Spain's sovereign rating to just above junk status earlier this month.

Disney testing flying dragon for Avatarland?

Disney testing flying dragon for Avatarland? : Rumors about a flying dragon created by Walt Disney Imagineering that was spotted in California.

How to: Use a squat toilet

How to: Use a squat toilet : In 2007, my husband and I were privileged enough to take a month off and travel around Europe. Given that we spent most of our time in Western Europe, there really wasn't a whole lot of cultural confusion, with a few notable exceptions*. Chief among them, the squat toilets we stumbled across at a very inconvenient moment in Italy. "Inconvenient moment" here defined as "actually having to use the bathroom." My friend Frank Bures is a travel writer and he understands the squat toilet problem all too well. Frank is, after all, somebody who has traveled extensively in places where squat is all you got. In a piece from 2006, he shares some hard-earned advice on squat toilets. How I wish I had read this before my venturing into small towns in coastal Italy. Dr. Jane Wilson-Howarth is probably the world’s foremost expert on excretion, a real Buddha of Bowel Movements, and she’s not afraid to get into the details. “My technique when

Creeptastic video of Bolaj Badejo rehearsing in his Alien mask

Creeptastic video of Bolaj Badejo rehearsing in his Alien mask : Deeply creepy test footage from Alien (1979) of alien actor Bolaji Badejo slithering around The Nostromo in a prototype costume head. Posts one YouTube commenter: "movie about a tall skinny black serial killer in space that wears an oblong black mask would be awesome"

Jerry Sandusky in Jail -- Inmates Sang Pink Floyd ... 'Leave Those Kids Alone!'

Jerry Sandusky in Jail -- Inmates Sang Pink Floyd ... 'Leave Those Kids Alone!' : Jerry Sandusky was mercilessly taunted for HOURS during his first night in jail back in December -- when his fellow inmates chanted Pink Floyd's famous lyrics ... "Hey teacher, leave those kids alone!"One of the men in the facility at the time -- a…

The Sharp, Sudden Decline of America's Middle Class

The Sharp, Sudden Decline of America's Middle Class : Every night around nine Janis Adkins falls asleep in the back of her Toyota Sienna van in a church parking lot at the edge of Santa Barbara California On the van's roof is a black Yakima SpaceBooster full of previous-life belongings like a snorkel and fins and camping gear Adkins...

'Jeopardy!' host Trebek suffers mild heart attack

'Jeopardy!' host Trebek suffers mild heart attack : NEW YORK (AP) -- "Jeopardy!" host Alex Trebek is in a Los Angeles hospital recovering from a mild heart attack....

The Worst City for Stolen Cars Is...

The Worst City for Stolen Cars Is... : The Worst City for Stolen Cars Is...

The Death of Traditional Video Gaming

The Death of Traditional Video Gaming : The Death of Traditional Video Gaming