The Man Who Makes the Future: Wired Icon Marc Andreessen

Interesting interview.  You can hear his tone change towards the end where his elitist attitudes and touches of bitterness come out.  It's pretty clear that there are basically 4 generations of tech leaders, and with each new generation they want to kill the previous generation and their spawn.  The first generation would be the the old stalwarts, the AT&Ts and Xerox and IBM.  The second would be Microsoft and Apple.  The third would be the first generation Internet pioneers, the Netscapes, the Amazons, etc.  The fourth is the current crop, the social companies, the facebooks and Twitters.


The Man Who Makes the Future: <cite>Wired</cite> Icon Marc Andreessen: He invented the browser. He was first to the cloud. Now Marc Andreessen is the most influential VC in Silicon Valley.


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