Police Video Featuring Trayvon Martin Shooter Raises New Questions

You're never going to get 12 people to unanimously agree on this.  Legal analysts say that because of the "stand your ground" law he's immune to both criminal and civil charges.  The parents only course is to try to sue the neighborhood association but even that is a long shot and very shaky.


Police Video Featuring Trayvon Martin Shooter Raises New Questions:

There was another turn in the Trayvon Martin case Thursday morning as this video began circulating showing the teen’s shooter, George Zimmerman, arriving at the Sanford, Fla., police station, the night of the incident, on Feb. 26.

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In the video, obtained by ABC News, there does not appear to be any support for Zimmerman’s lawyer’s assertion that his client suffered a broken nose in an altercation with Martin. At least there are no obvious signs of blood or injury.
In an interview Wednesday night with Piers Morgan on CNN, Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, said the video raises questions about the validity of Zimmerman’s story. “We just looked at the video, and we were just surprised because according to the police report… Zimmerman sustained injuries,” she said. “But when we looked at the video, it was obvious that there were no visible injuries.”
More About: trayvon martin, Video


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