Oscars 2012: 'Night of 100 Stars' Partygoers Talk Award Show Overload

Everybody agrees that there are too many awards. But I was hoping the article would talk about Richard Dreyfus's interview last night. I haven't seen a better interview since Kennedy/Martin Landau.

The stooge got stuck interviewing Mr. Hooper here and it quickly devolved to such classic replies like "I don't go to see movies because I'm too busy" and "Everybody should resign the Preamble"


Oscars 2012: 'Night of 100 Stars' Partygoers Talk Award Show Overload: Alex Ben Block
At the annual Oscar viewing party, stars of the past and present say that, yes, there are too many award shows, but so what? As one put it, actors are damaged goods and need the validation.

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